A review by mel_c_bell
Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill


Haunting regrets and memories repressed all dressed up in black leather and Doc Martins set to a death metal soundtrack.

First of all, this book had no right sneaking up on me the way it did and having me ugly face crying over a scene with a Ouija board… 

Second, I can sum up this story with two words: Daddy Issues…

What I really enjoyed was the fact that the ghost stuff was introduced within the first fifty pages AND we didn’t have another 150 of the characters refusing to believe it. They were just like “Well, 💩 “ and got to business. Also, the whole swamp gothic revival vibe is 🤌🏼

I loved this book. Still, there is a bunch of trigger worthy content involved so 🤷🏻‍♀️ if you’re sensitive maybe sit this one out.