A review by anna3101
The End of Mental Illness: How Neuroscience Is Transforming Psychiatry and Helping Prevent or Reverse Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Adhd, Addiction by Daniel Amen


I rarely write reviews these days but I just have to say that if hear him mention "his nieces Alizé & Amelie" one more time, I'm going to scream. Seriously, what's the deal with the poor Alizé and Amelie that they must be drilled into the poor reader's skull every chapter? Has no editor ever looked at this and said "Heck, let's refine the writing a bit, as to not make the reader go through the same suffering as the hypothetical suffering of the nieces?"

Most of the things mentioned in the book are common sense and have been said before by a million other authors. SPECT certainly seems promising though remains to be better researched. Different nutriceuticals and blood tests were interesting to read about and I might try a couple. However, as many other readers have already mentioned, a huge chunk of the book is one big sales pitch for his clinic. Also, even if you absolutely agree with each and every word and would want to follow all the advice, you're out of luck if you are not crazy rich. Can you afford to have only organic food? Replace all the "toxic" furniture in your house? Do a bazillion of blood tests? Pay for the infamous SPECT? How about "just not being stressed"? No problem Dr Amen, I could be as peaceful as a Buddhist monk if I didn't have to work under pressure at irregular hours, didn't have to worry about paying my bills or losing my rent.

I didn't hate this book but I didn't love it either. A lot of it is simply irrelevant to an ordinary middle-class person.