A review by terroreesa
Parkland: Birth of a Movement by Dave Cullen


i'm not really sure what i thought i was going to get from this book, but this was not what i thought.
i got a good sense of who some of the kids are, but the timeline was jumpy and a bit scattershot.
Columbine gave me such a clear idea of the community, the people involved, and how everyone began to rebuild.
i didn't really get that here. i understand Jackie Corin and the motivations/logistics of MFOL, but there wasn't a strong thru-narrative that tied everything together.
i appreciate everything that Cullen accomplished with this book. the MSD students really trusted him with their stories and it shows with the care he put into everything. i had never heard about the Spring Awakening story.
for me, the book just didn't coalesce. i LOVED Cullen's Columbine - i reread it once every few years - and i was looking forward to this one. i think maybe my expectations were just in a different direction.