A review by bookbrig
Exactly As I Am: Celebrated Women Share Candid Advice with Today's Girls on What It Takes to Believe in Yourself by Shaun Robinson

informative inspiring


 This is the sort of book that I want to love because it’s so heartfelt and sincere and has really good advice. It’s also the sort of book that I think speaks more to grown women reminiscing about their youth than to teens who are living it. There’s lots of great advice and tons of quotes from famous women (I particularly loved the bits from Candace Parker and Kelly Clarkson), but I just didn’t find it terribly gripping. It took me a long time to get through it because I would reach for another book, any other book, first. And I’m sympathetic to the message; I like books that tell girls to believe in themselves! It’s just… not the most exciting read. 

I’d still recommend it to teen (or tween) girls because it’s got an excellent message about self-confidence and the challenges of growing up. Also, if you’re a grown woman and you’re having a sucky day where you feel bad about yourself, it has some definite pick-me-ups that are really nice no matter what your age. Maybe just don’t sit down to read it cover to cover. Picking and choosing parts that sound interesting to you might make it a more gratifying read.