A review by on_my_bookshelf2
Scorned Women: Medusa by Faith Marlow


I loved to read about greek mythology and gods. I have an unquenchable thrist for them. When I came across this, it had been read by few, so I was intrigued to read it. I have hated medusa while I was reading Percy Jackson because she was mean. But after reading this my opinion on her changed. I started to love her. I have seen medusa as a monster but reading it, I have learned that she had been made into a monster to save herself from cruel god and goddess. I adored Xanthe for her character. After so many decades, she made Medusa's life colorful. That's when I began to understand Medusa's caring nature. She doesn't kill randomly, she kills people because they mean harmful to her. I most-liked the part, where xanthe after hearing Medusa's story didn't hate her. She saw the good nature in medusa when everybody saw monster in her. History may say that Perseus is brave because he beheaded medusa. Actually he is a coward who killed medusa while she slept. If he was brave, he would have fought with her.