A review by ostrava
Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All? by Zygmunt Bauman


Not exactly what I expected. Less than a major work, it's more of a "perspective" or "ranting of ideas" that are probably more developed elsewhere. Also, not necessarily about inequality in and on itself, but rather on the causes of the perspectives we ourselves have on the problem. Like the consequences of having a competitive system that rewards undesirable ideals for a society.

Something doesn't quite work though. Bauman seems like an interesting fellow and there's much to be learned from him. But what he offers in exchange for an hour to spare includes a remarkable introduction that can get you hooked enough to continue, followed by two or three poorly organized chapters... and an ending. The way I see it, it's flow is weak and while it's always great to read a perspective, I regret the fact that it couldn't be more intimate. No time to waste, yet he doesn't reach surprising conclusions either. These feel more like average articles you would find around, somewhere, nod to yourself and go on with your life as if it had done any impact. See, impact is precisely what's needed here...and a little bit of clarity wouldn't hurt either.

I guess I'll have to read his liquid series if his "articles" are this good though...