A review by alexcarbonneau
Nulle part sur la terre by Michael Farris Smith


I wanted to like this one. I desperately wanted to. It breaks my heart that I didn't liked it that much and the only reason i'm giving 3star is because 4.21 at the moment seems a tad high. This is more of a 3.5 to me.

It IS a great novel. It IS beautifuly written. Farris Smith's prose is delicate and powerful and subtle and strong. But it just didn't work for me. I dunno if it was my state of mind in the last ten days or because i just finished The Last Child by John Hart and rarely felt such a strong connection with the characters, but in Desperation Road, I just couldn't get to be one with Russell and Maben.

I also would have liked for the location to be a bigger part in this novel. Southern Grit-lit is all about bringing the location to life and making it one of the main characters to me.

It just wasn't the right time for this novel and me. Doesn't mean it isn't good. Go ahead and give it a try.