A review by clairedrinkstea
The Kingmakers by Susan Griffith, Clay Griffith


WOW! Just.... WOW!

I feel like I need to take a deep breath after reaching the end of The Vampire Empire trilogy.

It's bitter sweet which is only right.

I am left with a few questions but they are more concerns that hopefully the Griffith's would address in a sequel around Simon or even a new set of characters as Gareth and Adele's story has concluded. If they never give me more I'm still satisfied.

I can't praise this series enough. At no point was I disappointed. There is an excellent mix of action, intrigue, politics, romance, fear, desperation, joy and loss. Every characters motivation, drive and belief is clear to the reader and you can understand their perspective even if it goes against your own.

Throughout Kingmakers there is an urgency around the characters and as the reader you feel it emanating of the page as you are anxious to see resolution.

I can't praise this entire series enough and don't want to right more because it will be FULL of spoilers.

Do your library a favour and read these books! Seriously... Go and do it now!