A review by grapie_deltaco
The Deception by K.A. Applegate


This story begins with the Animorphs on a call with the Andalites asking for their long-awaited assistance against the Yeerks on earth and to everyone’s surprise, they’re hesitant about extending that assistance.

But there’s a new Visser One and the Yeerks have instigated a new world war.

This installment is chaotic and filled to the brim with horror, death, and needless violence. We watch an influx of innocent lives be put on the line and lost through Ax’s eyes as a difficult decision must be made born out of twisted, last chance attempt at victory for planet earth.

“Billions of human lives versus ten or twenty thousand…”

Ax makes a decision that is so violently Andalite in every way and he’ll hate himself for the rest of his life over it.


CW: war, violence, mass murder, death, grief, slavery, murder, terrorism