A review by jcqb09
Rain by Amanda Sun


4.5 stars

I feel like I could read these books forever, they're so engaging. Yet again the world of Japan and the kami and the ink and everything captured my attention.

This book took a turn for the dark side. A pretty repetitive one if I do say so. We find out that Tomo is (possibly?) descended from one of the evil gods, so that's why he keeps losing control. But I didn't like the fact that they kept having pretty much the same conflict every chapter. Tomo tries to do something nice, Tomo messes up, Tomo says something along the lines of "crap I'm so evil Katie you need to stay away from me", Katie says "no I love you Tomo, you're not evil", repeat. It was kind of annoying.

And then the thing with Jun. I mean, we saw it coming, but I think we all didn't really want it to happen. I personally don't hate love triangles - like them sometimes, even - but this one was somewhat pointless. We knew Jun - sorry, Tomo, Takahashi - was evil somehow or at least lacking good motives, so Katie had no chance of picking him over Tomo. Even though there were like three people in love with Tomo (Katie, Shiori, [kid whose name I still don't know]) and two in love with Jun (Katie-ish and Ideka).

I think it was kind of refreshing that Jun turned out to be the evil one, not Tomo. But him - Tomo - and Katie still had problems in the form of "our ancestors hated each other so the ink in our respective blood is going to try to kill us."

I do hope to see Katie sand Tomo's love persevere, and I need the next book now.