A review by menfrommarrs
Skin Deep, Blood Red by Robert Skinner


I was given [b:Blood to Drink|666254|Blood to Drink|Robert Skinner|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1350683741s/666254.jpg|652306], the fourth book in this series to read. Being a stickler for series etiquette, I had to read, at least, the first in the series, [b:Skin Deep, Blood Red|3380659|Skin Deep, Blood Red|Robert Skinner|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1350683886s/3380659.jpg|3420307], before tackling the one lent to me. Just so that I could get the introduction to the main character planted in my head.

A pleasant surprise. No flowery language, no amazingly clever metaphors - A straight-forward depression era, New Orleans 1930's color (from skin variations to fashion), gangster story.

I am confidently looking forward to the next ones. I should get to lent number four quite quickly.