A review by aliu6
Flavor of the Month by Georgia Beers


4.25 stars

It's been five years since Charlie Stetko allowed a fancy woman and promises of a big-city life lure her away from her then best friend and girlfriend, Emma Grier. Now, Charlie's been dumped by said woman, forcing her to return home to live in her parents' basement. Her new job at the local bakery has Charlie running into Emma, who now runs her own restaurant in town. Emma hasn't forgiven Charlie for shattering her heart, but as the two fall back into their old ways, Emma finds herself asking if people really can change.

This was a really sweet and satisfying read, and not just because of the amazing descriptions of baked goods that Charlie makes. Both Charlie and Emma are really likable. The narration switches between third person limited POVs for Charlie and Emma, and I really enjoyed the inside look into both characters' thought processes, which is clearly laid out for us. Georgia Beers does a great job of articulating their feelings in a totally realistic way. It makes sense that Emma is reserved towards Charlie at the beginning, and Charlie seems truly sorry for her past bad decisions.

I liked the initial tension between Charlie and Emma, although the switch flips pretty suddenly around the halfway mark. After that, everything falls into place quickly, which meant that I never felt the plot dragging, but I do wish I had seen a bit more lead up to them making up (and out).

There was also a lovely cast of side characters, many of whom I would have loved to see more. The only thing was that there were some side characters that we see for a little bit in the first half and then don't see again, and the subplots that they're involved in feel unresolved by the end of the book.

All in all, an engaging read! I would definitely recommend.

*I received an ARC via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.