A review by thebookwyrm400
The Truth of Right Now by Kara Lee Corthron


OH my lord.... Just really.... just really.... I found it difficult to sympathize with these characters. This book kind of just reminds me of the reasons I don't pick up contemporary books that much. I know that the author wants me to feel sorry for Lily, but I'm not going to lie Lily just reminds me of a character who I had no sympathy for. While I don't think that she was purely to blame for the relationship, it was clear that she was taken advantage of by Bobby and it was definitely was statutory rape pure and simple. We do stupid things when we were in that age, but it is so hard to watch Lily do this to herself. Lily reminds me of Zoey Redbird from House of Night and Nana from Nana. The parents being of two different extremes kind of bugged me too. Dari's dad was extremely controlling, and Lily's mother tries to be her friend rather than her mother which I don't know was the point of showing how both of these parenting styles are bad but just come on. Dari seemed like he was a manic pixie dream boy (and I know that was intentional since it was out right stated), and what the heck was up with that ending. Was the fact that Dari was a person of color who ends up being shot by a cop supposed to be some kind of commentary? While Lily should've definitely should've tried to deescalate the situation with the police by saying that she wasn't being stalked by a crazy man instead of continuing to be bitter and walking away and saying she didn't know him and getting him hurt.... you clearly love him all right Lily....