A review by diamondxgirl
Three Sides of a Heart: Stories about Love Triangles by Natalie C. Parker


Three Sides of a Heart is a recently released anthology based on a fav YA trope - The ❤️🔺. Come on, we all have read one (I just finished my reread of New Moon - TRIANGLE CITY).

What I loved about this anthology is the authors took the trope and played with it. This is not a 16 story rehashing of girl meets boy...meets another boy and DRAMA ENSUES. Oh no, this is a magnificent set of multi-faceted stories that prove the triangle is so much more than girl/boy/boy.

My favorite stories are Omega Ship by Rae Carson (explores how one girl owns the traditional love triangle), Lessons for Beginners by Julie Murphy (a girl who offers kissing lessons need I say more), Hurdles by Brandy Colbert (this one explores how the love triangle isn’t even always about romantic love), and Unus, Duo, Tres by Bethany Hagen (this is the vampire love story we all needed but never got).

This anthology is special because it contains more diverse stories featuring sex positive characters than we’ve likely ever gotten altogether in YA. It features a diverse set of authors across genres. There’s almost nothing else out there like it (ahem, have you read Feral Youth? Because you should). Contemporary readers will find comfort here but so will readers of SFF, historical, and more.

Oh, and the audio is fab and narrated by multiple narrators.