A review by nikkisbooknook
Claiming Felicity by Susan Stoker


Felicity may project the badass no-mess-with chick persona but she is in hiding for her life. Whilst helping the Anderson triplets and their other halves out, she managed to hide her true self from them. But the past always catches up with you and Felicity is in real danger.

Ryder, aka Ace, has only just found his half brothers and wants to get to know them better. But his profession means that those he is close to become targets. Whilst the triplets may be able to protect themselves and their partners, they can't cover everyone all the time. When Felicity finally admits that she needs help, Ryder basically stakes his claim on her. He is stuck to her like a shadow and has every intention of making her his!

I loved the intro to the book. You are kind of wondering just which of the girls becomes Felicity for a while. Once her identity is revealed we know why she is on the run. It was a bit tough to swallow the instant trust she put in Ryder but I suppose that is some what allayed by the fact that she knows the Andersons so well and trusts them implicitly (just not enough to tell them who she really is!)

Ryder essentially has all the possessive, intense leanings as her stalker but he and his team mates use these traits for good and I loved the set up for the Mountain Mercenaries - some of those guys are going to be fun! And Rex? Well I just think of him as being like Charlie with his Angels LOL.

The bad guy is just so loathsome, odious and all around evil. I didn't like the way he got out of punishment, even though it was retribution for his crimes. I wanted him to suffer prison!

Good finale to the series and a great way to launch the new series!