A review by reinventing_mrs
Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim


The Book I Didn’t Know I Needed

I ran across this book accidentally; I believe it was a free read, a suggestion, from Prime. I figured I’d give it a shot. Wow, am I glad I did!

Ibrahim’s first novel is incredible! Told from the points of view of both mistress and slave, the story is both familiar and refreshing. Elizabeth is the child that Mattie is forced to nurse, forced to tend to, forced to raise at the expense and sacrifice of her own baby boy. Mattie is the nurturer, the teacher, the comfort that Elizabeth’s own mother is not. Mattie gives her all to Elizabeth while managing to save the most precious parts of herself for her husband and son when time and circumstance permit. Elizabeth eagerly accepts all Mattie has to give and helps fill the empty spaces of Mattie’s broken heart, while selfishly believing that she is the center of Mattie’s world.

Knowing and understanding the history of slavery provided for many emotionally trying moments - at least twice, I was afraid to read on. Still, the expected and unexpected ways in which Mattie and Elizabeth affected each other’s lives was a joy to read. Not wanting the story to end, but not able to stop reading, I was comforted knowing that this book is part one of a trilogy.

Kudos to you, Laila Ibrahim.