A review by read_with_steph
A Pairing to Die for by Kate Lansing


The second in the series felt remarkably similar to the first. Parker is "forced" to investigate a murder, this time because her boyfriend Reid has been arrested for the crime. While this mystery was solid, and I pieced together some elements but not all--definitely less predictable than the first--it leaves me, as a reader, wondering what next? Everything seems so neatly wrapped up, both personally and professionally for the characters, and I can't fathom how Parker could find herself involved in a crime again. Then again, cozy mystery authors always seem to find a way...

This book is a fairly standard cozy mystery--nothing particularly groundbreaking, but nothing bad either. If you're really into wine or Boulder, you might prefer this to some others. I wish the author had dialed back the references to Redi's "cocky/cocksure grin"--not sure why that aggressive repetition wasn't caught in editing. One of my comments about the first book was that I hoped the author would use the location more to her advantage, and I appreciated the further integration of Boulder, CO into the story with references to the mountains, the farmer's market, and more areas of town.

Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for my eARC in exchange for an honest review!

4 stars - 6/10