A review by fischers_reads
A Thousand Broken Pieces by Tillie Cole



Not sure why I thought it was a good idea to get a few chapters in before bed buuuuuuut I did and was crying from the beginning. Why did we have to live through that again? Tillie, you’re a meanie. The way Savannah says that Ida wants to have a love like Rune and Poppy but that she doesn’t because she wouldn’t want to lose them 😭😭 It sparked up that whole “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all” in my mind and I was UNWELL! When Savannah and Cael meet my stomach had butterflies. Instant connection and I literally felt it while reading which is awesome. It was the same type of feeling I had about Rune & Poppy so I knew it was end game. This whole story is heartbreaking but written so beautifully. The journal entries were such a nice touch and added even more sadness to the story. I cried so hard that I had a  headache. Do not read this book if you don’t want to cry, plain and simple. This story is about multiple grieving people and it pulls at your heartstrings so freaking bad. Poppy & Rune are brought up a lot and old wounds were re opened and I was not okay. I think I cried the most at those parts. Tillie Cole, be expecting my therapy bill in the mail in the next 5-7 business days 😭