A review by alejandra_guerrero
Don't Tie the Knot by Bianca Blythe


Dear God, everyone in this story is infuriatingly stupid! They are way beyond TSTL. EVERYONE. The author doesn’t seem to concern herself with coherence throughout the book, people have things one moment they didn’t have a page before, and time has absolutely no meaning here. We’re told a lot about their journey, and I just wondered why we bothered with it. Because the little we’re shown is not conducive to a relationship, no, those parts we are just told happen.
Charlotte and Callum’s relationship is non-existent too, and at some point they just disappear and we know nothing of them. Their wedding was just a plot device, the excuse for the MC’s to meet. It’s like the author never intended for them to be together, so she didn’t even bother to give a reason for them to want to get married. Worse, the somewhat plausible reasons Hamish comes up with at the beginning of the story are all dispelled at some point. He doesn’t love her (nothing will convince me of the opposite), he’s not being blackmailed, then why on Earth would he want to marry this woman he barely speaks to? If he wanted (or needed) just any woman, why not marry the one he was actually betrothed to? If you are going to introduce something for the plot, at least make it make sense! And no, I’m not going to read the next book (which is Callum’s book), since these two make no sense and have absolutely no chemistry.
The descriptions are not very good, and most of the time they beat around the bush for absolutely no reason. And why must every article of clothing feel rough? Gloves, stays, chemises… they all are described as rough. I would think that people would want their clothes to be soft, especially underwear, but what do I know, right?
Finally, there are some quite racist stuff about scotts, and I didn't care for that.