A review by heresthepencil
Heart Trouble by Jae


rep: Persian-American lesbian mc, lesbian mc, lesbian side character

theoretically everything abt this book is good, starting with the premise (i mean come on, it's basically a soulbonding au!) & i was so ready to love it. and yet....

the writing felt very stiff at times, what with more telling than showing & with constant inclusion of thoughts in cursive. i didn't really connect with any of the characters & thus the whole Coming Out To Family arc didn't leave much of an impression on me and even felt resolved kind of too quickly?

i can't say it's a bad book! i can't even truly put my finger on what it is that made me so indifferent toward it in the end. but i had such high hopes & they weren't really met :((

they used the word "bisexual" once!! so i guess i have no right to complain right :)