A review by bookish_whispers
The Fell of Dark by Caleb Roehrig


Fell of the Dark combined three of my favorite things into an amazing package: vampires, the Chosen One trope, and humor. This was everything I wanted it to be and a little more. It took me back to middle school watching Buffy and Charmed because not only is there a slew of drama, but it's not without its amazing one-liners, most of which were yelled out to roommate as we lay in bed reading at night. Also, the cast of characters in this is top-notch. It's one of the few books where I thoroughly ended up enjoying everyone and there wasn't really a stand out a character I could have done with that.

In fact, Auggie is the best part of this book, and I liked the fact we went through this story through his point of view since he is the vessel of some great power meant to end the world as we know it. Does he take to being the Chosen One like a fish to water, absolutely not, but it was amazing to watch Auggie find himself as he struggled through what was happening to him. Then to turn it all around and find a way to save himself and his family. I really enjoyed watching his journey and watching him grow. Auggie was a great choice of narrator.

As for the side characters I enjoyed all of them as well. I wish we'd of been able to see more of Adriana because I really enjoyed her friendship with Auggie. It's so pure and she's always in his corner. Everyone needs a friend like her. I also really loved Holly and Viviane. Both get some amazing badass moments toward the end of the book, and two of the few people I felt not really using Auggie but honestly wanted to help him. Viviane's fight with Mad Monk is one of the favorite moments in the whole book.

Also, the Mad Monk showed up! This might be one of my favorite things about Fell of Dark, how Caleb Roehrig weaved in history to fit in the tales of the Corruptor. I thought the few flashbacks were a fun way to show the history of things possessing Auggie without pulling away from the story itself. We got to see a few of the famous people who had been in Auggie's shoes before him, and how they dealt with the new powers brewing inside of them. Were they necessary, probably not because through Jude, Daphne, and Gunner a clear picture was being painted of what was about to happen to Auggie. They were however fun and I enjoyed a look into the Corruptor's past vessels.

Maybe the biggest thing that shocked me about this book is that I didn't hate the love triangle that happens in the book. Though personally, I'm Team Gunner all the way! And, the reason for that is because Auggie realizes pretty quickly that he isn't in love with either Gunner or Jude. He likes them and totally mind-melds with them both, but there is a distinct like of pining. Mostly because Auggie is fighting for his life, but also because he knows what he feels for them is not love. So it allows for the three of them to have a pretty normal partnership because I don't think Jude really has friends.

My favorite Auggie moment is right in the first part of the book he keeps getting told not to let the pretty face fool him, and he puts a stop to that right away. He knows Jude is good looking but knows better than to trust a vampire. Sexy knees, or otherwise. It was nice to see that trope get shut down.

I also loved the drama between Gunner and Jude because apparently, no one holds a grudge like Gunner. It added a bit of humor into tense moments when they would snipe at each other. Immortals ex-boyfriends are a bitch!

I really liked the world that Caleb Roehrig created. Like the folks that live in Sunnydale, the people in Fulton Heights have accepted their vampire problem. Which is why I think Auggie doesn't fall prey to those sexy knees and cool guy necklaces. It also makes the perfect place for the Rising. I really enjoyed some old school vampire lore being thrown in, along with some melty deaths toward the end. Also, I liked that there was give and take with the magic of Fell of Dark. Basically, nothing comes for free so no one is as all-powerful as the Mad Monk thinks he is. Fulton Heights was a place I could see in my head, along with the people who lived there.

That ending though, ugh, it was great to see Auggie chose himself and his family and use the people that had set out to use him. I loved that Holly had a huge role to play in the end, and that battle in the park... Clever, boy!

All in all a good book. I loved most everything about it, and it's a super fun read. A part of me is sad that is a stand-alone book because I really do love Auggie and would love to see what kind of trouble he's about to get into, but the way everything wrapped up there really isn't a need for another story. Though I wouldn't say no if happened... Just saying.

Until them, I'm definitely going to have pickup Caleb Roehrig's other book Death Prefers Blondes!

Buy, Borrow, or Skip: I saw buy! One, the cover is brilliant and I can't wait to see it on my self. Two, this is a book I will go back and read again. It was a lot of fun and Caleb Roehrig has an amazing humorous writing style.

This review and others can be found at my blog, Bookish Whispers!