A review by faelorehn
Shadows in the Silence by Courtney Allison Moulton


Review from Elysian Fields Reviews.
Rated 4.4 out of 5 Stars
My Thoughts
This final book in the trilogy was wonderful. I was more than happy to see Will finally do something about his love for Ellie. I was beyond tired of hearing her internal dialogue about his refusal of her love, blah blah! This book had even more action and adventure than the second, and I found myself completely addicted to this story. I don't want to give anything away, but we got to know Cadan a lot better in this book. He was one of the prominent characters and I couldn't have been happier. I hate that he is in love with his brother's girlfriend; she doesn't deserve him in my opinion! The demons are more bold, and unafraid to show themselves to humans, resulting in a lot of people close to Ellie finding out exactly what she is. I found myself crying more than once near the ending, and I was impressed with Ellie's selflessness when the time came to fulfill her destiny. The love between Ellie and Will is phenomenal; it is not the typical teenage girl meets boy and instantly falls in love garbage. It truly was a wonderful love, centuries old, with ups and downs that are completely realistic in a supernatural kind of way! The ending was heartbreaking, but the only way that Miss Moulton could have ended it. Sigh. This was all in all, a well written, original and creative series that I am thankful to have read!