A review by lilmatt050
The Flash: Rebirth by Geoff Johns


I just finished watching the season finale of The Flash and desperately needed more Barry Allen in my life. The show and its graphics are spectacular and really makes the storytelling of this iconic superhero come to life. I researched as to what graphic novel should I read for a novice fan of The Flash and everyone proclaimed that you should read this graphic novel.

I dislike comics and graphic novels from the Golden Age because the storyline is cheesy, less graphic details, and to be honest it's boring. But this graphic novel was action pack and I love how the illustrators were able to illustrate the speed force, the different costumes for each speedster, and could accurate portray Barry Allen when he runs and fights combat. The issue I have with this storyline is there is so much backstory history that will not make sense for a novice.

Barry Allen supposedly died or join the speed force and Wally West became the Flash. It's been 23 years since Barry has left the comic universe and now he has returned to Central City but cannot explain why the speed force has brought him back. Everyone is excited that he is back and they want to throw parties and get to see their friend again everyone from Justice League, Hal Jordan, to Iris West and the rest of the speedsters.

At first Barry is reluctant towards reunited with his friends and loved ones and believes he needs to solve the murder of his mother. But during his run into the speed force a villain named Savitar comes out his lightning suit and when Barry touches him, he disintegrate into dust and Barry knows something is wrong. His friends and loved ones try to help him but ultimately they meet the villain of the story which is Eobard Thawne aka the Reverse Flash.

It was predictable that they would bring him back and now that he is alive, he seeks to ruin Barry in every which way possible. Barry needs all the speedsters help to put an end to Thawne before he destroys the fate of the speedster.

In all honesty if it weren't for the television show I would be completely lost and I don't recommend this for everyone who doesn't know about the Flash and their iconic characters. For the storyline I would rate this about 3 stars or 3.5 but I have to admit that the graphic were beyond my expectations and I thought they were going to do a horrible job with the illustrations and the storyline but I was wrong.

I cannot wait to read more about Barry Allen and hopefully read better storylines in the mere future.