A review by songwind
The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer


I'm not generally a reader of biographies or memoirs, so I wasn't really sure what to expect from the book. The closest I've come before was [b:In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash|30152|In God We Trust All Others Pay Cash|Jean Shepherd|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1403178045s/30152.jpg|30542], the basis of A Christmas Story.

Like he stand-up, Amy Schumer's book revolves around her relationships. Even the anecdotes that are more event driven are at heart about how those events affected her relationships to her family, friends, or self.

It moves back and forth between thoughtful, serious, angry, and laugh aloud hilarious. Sometimes she manages it within the same chapter/essay. Though not truly a biography, the book weaves a picture of a complicated, damaged and empathetic woman.

The writing is straightforward, with a flowing conversational style. It's easy to read and understand, but not particularly interesting in itself.

The audio book was read by the author, who did a fine job.