A review by qu33nofbookz
Grave Errors by Carol J. Perry


That's it I am done with this series I just can't take it anymore. The series gets worse as it goes on not better.

If the so called editor of this book is indeed a real person and not just someone made up to say this was edited they need to be fired immediately, give back whatever they earned for not editing this bit of drivel and go back to school. Serious continuity errors and simple mixups everywhere not to mention about 15 pages of unnecessary fluff detail that's pure filler and a few pages off of repetitiveness. This actually would have been a short story if it were properly edited.

Lee the MC is a 10 year old in a 30 year olds body. She is afraid of everything, has no common sense/self-preservation, is a terrible gossip, has no guilt about putting those around her in danger and somehow is never arrested for all the meddling into police affairs. (Yes I know this is a cozy mystery but this is beyond belief and logic. She is a teacher of something she never did in real life, doesn't have a degree to teach at a school that couldn't possibly give degrees (how they are a school amazes me) to anyone.

All the surrounding characters are cliches and have zero depth and no growth (neither does the MC for that matter). They are all children in adult bodies. Seriously this book reads like it was originally supposed to be for middle grade readers but is marketed for adults.