A review by tmdavis
How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier


What do you do when you have a fairy and your fairy sucks? This is what happens to Charlie who has a parking fairy. Even though Charlie is too young to drive she has a fairy that can find anyone she rides with a good parking spot. And she hates it because people are always wanting to use her for her fairy. What to do? Charlie eventually teams up with arch-enemy Fiorenza who has a fairy that makes all the boys like her and they figure out how to switch fairies. Which is great except that Charlie's new fairy turns out to be worse than her old one.

I really like this author but this book just didn't do it for me. It was set in New Avalon (a kind of hybrid of Australia and the US) where Charlie attends a sports high school (which has so many rules that she ends up with so many demerits she has to do community service to keep from being expelled) and it had a weird vocabulary that took me awhile to keep up with. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood to read this one but I got bored with it fairly early on in the story and didn't really develop any interest until Charlie and Fio were trying to "nearly" kill themselves to scare their fairies away. All in all--meh.