A review by wildgurl
Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World by Pema Chödrön


Welcoming The Unwelcome:Wholehearted Living In A Brokenhearted World
by Pema Chodren
due 10-15-2019
5.0 / 5.0

#netgalley. #WelcomingTheUnwelcome

Powerful and beautifully written, sharing wisdom and common sense practices to help us not succumb to the negativity and polarization gripping so many in this nation. In a very concise, conscientious and positive way, Pema has always been an inspiration, reminding me how much fuller life could be for everyone if we all practiced having more open minds and more open hearts.
Pemas books have been an inspiration and are empowering to me. All we think and do most definitely affects much more than yourself. I'm so glad I discovered Pema years ago, and still look to her for empowerment and direction.

A huge thanks to netgalley and Shambhala for sharing this e-book ARC for review.