A review by thepeachmartini
Resting Scrooge Face by Meghan Quinn


Resting Scrooge Face by Meghan Quinn
Date Read: 19 Nov 2023

I should have liked this. It has everything I love:
✅pen pals/letter writing
✅Christmas festivities
✅schmaltzy love interests

I debated whether this was a full 2 stars or 1.5…but being that it’s the start of the holiday season, I’m gifting it the extra 1/2 star.

It’s a short story so definitely a quick read. But I found myself skimming over paragraphs at a time just to get to the end.

It’s You’ve Got Mail, holiday style. Like, almost down to certain scenes. Which is another reason I should have liked this. But it just didn’t jingle my bells.