A review by scottso
A Theology of the Ordinary by Julie Canlis


Julie Canlis gem of a book A Theology of the Ordinary proves the adage "Great things come in small packages" as this book, although small in size and short in pages, is filled with tremendous content and potential. My wife and I were fortunate enough to meet Matt Canlis at a recent Hutchmoot conference where we were given a copy of this book and we have since not stopped recommending it to others. Mrs. Canlis invites her reader to recognize the cultural challenges and pressures that make it difficult to recognize Christ in all aspects of life and invites us to explore living life - every moment of life - in the knowledge we are loved by our Creator and redeemed in Christ. Although the subject matter is deep, her writing and examples make this book as readable as it is engaging. It has made for some good family conversations and I highly recommend to those who feel the pressure to do something radical with their life yet recognize their life is moving too fast to know how to slow down.