A review by alwaysbooking
The Evil Queen by Gena Showalter


3 evil actions meet evil consequences stars!!!

What happens when you are told that you will be the root of all evil, that you will hurt everyone you love? You start to believe it don’t you? That’s what happens to Everly, however that isn’t always the case, maybe everyone has a chance to be the Evil Queen, maybe no ones story is set in stone.

There was a lot I liked in this book, and a lot I didn’t like in this book. The book starts off very fast paced, which is always a plus in my world. The characters are easy to fall in love sometimes a little bit to whiny for my liking but hey life happens I get it. Everyone has their role to play or so they think they do, some people are stuck in what role they think they will play and that hinders everyone in this book. I became unbelievably frustrated with the insta-love or infatuation between Roth and Everly. It bordered on obsession most of the book it was not normal at all. I was also upset that Everly did not have a single friend except the weird bugs and snakes, and that was not explained at all. The author is not afraid at all to kill of any character beloved or not, that part kept the plot going and unexpected. The world building was wonderful and kept me on my toes.

Will I read the next book, kind of doubtful, did I enjoy this book I’m not 100% sure there were times I didn’t even care what happened next but there were times I was fully invested. I do however really enjoy Gena Showalter’s adult books.