A review by andrew_russell
The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality, and Our Destiny Beyond by Michio Kaku


The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku is partially a prediction of what technology and science has to offer us in the years, decades and even centuries to come, as well as partially a portent of what fate shall bestow upon us should we fail to exploit this technology to the full.

The supposedly impending doom that awaits the human race is nothing if not a hot topic right now. The members of groups such as Extinction Rebellion, as well as other scaremongering rapscallions offer one possible solution; lets give up everything the human race has achieved in the past two hundred years and gather round a fire in the woods, to congratulate ourselves on our regressive backwards leap. Sounds ideal. Except there is (at least) one major flaw in the lifestyle 'choices' which such people wish to impose upon the world. The flaw is that very few, if any individuals will actually adopt any of the practices which are posited.

The Future of Humanity offers a refreshing break from all this in that it actually attempts to suggest intelligent solutions to the difficulties we face as a race, rather than just beating us endlessly around the skull with the blunt instrument of what we are constantly told is not only the complete and utter ignorance we've displayed in the past, but also the failure of anyone over the age of forty to display the appropriate level of angst regarding the plight future generations shall have to face. Were it not for the position of eminence Kaku holds in the scientific community, some of the ideas of which he writes could be viewed as lying to the far end of the 'crackpot' scale. Space elevators, ion engines, the proliferation of sentient and self-replicating robots, the delivery of the contents of our neurons to the far ends of the universe via laser beams and even the eventual ability of humans to, on a massive scale, manipulate the environment of the universe itself; these and many others are all described and explained. And the key here is that hard though it may be to believe, the explanations are buttressed by scientific credibility.

However, Kaku's solutions to the environmental challenges we face repeat themselves a number of times throughout the book, almost to the point of making what starts out as a piece of work with enormous potential to be interesting, into something that is verging on dull. Compounding this is the simple fact that through no fault of his own, his field of expertise is one which you don't get to grips with straight away. You just don't. Long-winded expositions on string theory and how it applies to what can be achieved in the future shall rarely if ever be greeted by the words, 'Ok...makes sense.' At least not straight away and probably not by any of us who are not steeped in the academic soup that governs the field of theoretical physics. Although the initial pages contain some fascinating backstory around the likes of the history of the space race and the stance adopted by entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and Richard Branson with regards to commercial space travel and it's wider benefits, it isn't too long before Kaku unreins his passion for his subject and all that makes it the most abstract in the scientific field. In doing so, he runs the strong risk of losing the reader completely.

Moreover, although the concepts he proposes are 'buttressed by scientific credibility', the degree to which this is the case is often paper thin and the extent to which such concepts lie in the realm of pure speculation rather than that of scientifically robust theory make them far less engaging to read about than would otherwise be the case. In Kaku's deep scientific knowledge, can be found a recurring trait of almost skating over possible future scientific discoveries, possibly in the misguided belief that such theories are blindingly obvious, almost treating them as accepted fact, decades, centuries, or even millennia before they have even been conceived to any reasonable extent. This is often a difficult tightrope to walk; just how can a writer hope to provide a window looking into the far future without the danger of facing such an accusation? Kaku deserves some credit for walking this tightrope and in spite of The Future of Humanity's flaws, managing to write something that not only tries to provide some potential solutions to arguably the greatest known challenge that has faced mankind but does so in a unique and thought-provoking manner.