A review by moondoodle
Jade Tiger by Jenn Reese

This book was like reading a YA fantasy novel written for faux feminist "strong female" loving women who want to indulge in a Romance novel. It is labeled fantasy. It is not. It is romance. I personally decided to take it upon myself to edit the parts that the editor should have taken out simply because I payed for this so I had to finish it.
Like most YA fantasy I have read, I was extremely frustrated and annoyed by the decently interesting plot that kept getting submerged and overlooked so that the romantic subplot could flourish despite the fact that these characters met and "fell in love" in the space of a 5 minute fight sequence in which one was on the receiving end of a concussion. It was obnoxious to find adult characters who were just as unable to focus on imminent death and destruction because they were so distracted by the absolute perfects embodied by their love interest.

I would like everyone involved in the production and labeling, (as well as the back blurb writing) of this book to reimburse me for my ₩5,000 and the time that I wasted reading it.