A review by ambersbooknest
The Secrets of Jane: Forgotten by Charlotte Mallory


I knew I had to read this book as soon as I saw it was described as a cross between The Witcher and Pirates of the Caribbean. And let me tell you, it didn't disappoint! I had a great time immersing myself in this universe and discovering new and unusual things about it. It contains magic and a beautiful society built around the mercenaries who control Skull's Row, the Zenith. The world-building itself didn't feel drawn out or boring; rather, it felt whole and fit together flawlessly. The characters were very expertly created. Everyone had the impression that they were believable people with extensive backstories. Nobody felt like they were lacking anything. Soren and Jane are the epitome of enemies turned lovers. I frequently gasped and laughed at Soren's words and Jane's sass. I adored every aspect of the exquisite tension that existed between those two. I'm eager to read more of this universe, and I can't wait for Book 2.

"I'm a disciplined man, Jane. I can stay here for as long as you need before the lesson sinks in that you don't run from me while in my charge."