A review by hay_shock
The Rosewater Insurrection by Tade Thompson


I enjoyed this book more than the first one, probably due to having more characters to follow, and because I connected more with the main characters. I even felt I had more sympathy and connection for Kaaro in this book, I think being less in his head, really helps.

Storytelling - I enjoy jumping from person & story point, it keeps a quick pace, but stops the story from moving too quickly. There are elements where I got confused following conversations, and couldn't quite figure out which statement was from which character. That only really happened a few times throughout the book.

Characters - I feel like there was quite a lot of character development in this book, or maybe it's that there were two-three key characters some of which I connected more with, compared to just the main one in the first book. I really enjoyed getting to know Aminat more, she was someone I could personally connect to and feel for a little more.

World Building - I think the world building is one of my favourite things about this series. The world the story is based in seems so out there, and its constantly changing, growing. I think in this book there were a few elements that weren't really explained, so perhaps not as thought through. However I still thoroughly enjoyed all elements of the world.