A review by trin
Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook by Christina Henry


Frustrating. Jamie's exhaustion and deep sadness and his love for Peter that, especially in the early chapters, you can feel being twisted and stripped away, are all really good. And there's some nice creepy atmosphere. But too much time is wasted wandering around the island, with interchangeable boys getting into fights, etc. Also, I feel that eventually Henry crosses a line and makes Peter too evil -- only evil -- and that's much less interesting than if, you know, the situation were a lot more nuanced than that.

This book suffers from prequelitis in that what I really wanted was for Jamie's backstory to be the before, and for the narrative to then actually develop beyond the set of circumstances that we all know. Instead it just, um, cuts off before Peter Pan, because of course it does; these books always do. I guess I wanted to be reading actual fanfic fine okay yes.