A review by booksandchow
Fucking History: 52 Lessons You Should Have Learned in School. by The Captain


This book took me by surprise. I literally picked it based on the title and nothing else. Was it going to be the history of f*cking? Was this just a fun title for a history book? Well, it turned out to be a little of both haha. There are many fascinating sexual stories like about women using overbaked bread as sex toys or Catherine the Great having men audition to have sex with her. But much more than that it was the stories of women who no one talks about! I really thought women didn’t contribute much to history because they were weaker or home with kids or something… but women have done so many amazing things and it’s just not taught in school! We don’t talk about it so each generation grows up thinking women are truly inferior to men but they’re not!!
Thank you so much for the gifted copy, Tarcher Perigree!