A review by amanda_fyi
How I'm Spending My Afterlife by Spencer Fleury


Okay, the premise is great. Alton fakes his own death so his daughter (Clara) and wife (Nicole) get the insurance money with the hopes they will all one day meet up in Costa Rica and grow old together. Alton's not quite ready to hit the road yet, so he decides to stick around a bit and decides to attend his own memorial service where he sees a dude making out with his wife when the party's over.

Alton continuously going back to the house was a dumb move. I also thought it was awful how he was manipulating Clara, telling her he was a ghost and mommy doesn't believe in ghosts so don't tell her I've been here. He could have used about...3 less visits to the house to make this book more enjoyable.

I really wanted to like this book because the premise was intriguing to me! But it seemed the author didn't know how to wrap up the book and kind of gave up 200 pages in. Wouldn't recommend.