A review by pageswithpayten
Strictly Come Dating by Kathryn Freeman


Thank you NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter and Kathryn Freeman for gifting me an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!
If you’re in the mood for a slow burn romance, wicked dance moves and a second chance for love, look no further! Strictly Come Dating is the story of Maggie, a divorced, 37 year old, mother of two and Seb, a 27 year old who left life in Australia and moved in with his sister in the UK to support his sick father. They are in completely different times of their lives and the age gap is just inappropriate... right? Strictly Come Dating reminds readers that sometimes getting everything you want in life takes a giant leap of faith.
Personally as a 25 year old with no kids, Ii can’t say I really connected with Maggie. The dancing classes/competition plot was what pulled me in and I really felt like there was so much missing. This book felt LONG and the romance may be one of the slowest burns I’ve read in awhile, but maybe that’s because I didn’t feel invested in Maggie as the main character. I did really like Seb’s character and his relationship with Penny and Tabby was sweet.