A review by hainyh
Me Life Story: Sofa, So Good! by Scarlett Moffatt


I'm a big fan of Scarlett and love her down-to-earth nature, so was really keen to read this book and learn more about her life and her rather rapid rise to fame, from her earlier Gogglebox days. Unfortunately I was quite disappointed by the content of 'Sofa, So Good'. I felt that she was trying too hard to be funny and at times found myself thinking: 'just be yourself Scarlett!' There are some anecdotes that just did not ring true... for instance recollections of herself as a seven-year-old and things that she remembers saying which were far too beyond her level of comprehension would have been at that age, further adding to the feeling that this book has been embellished quite a lot.

When reading biographies I don't particularly enjoy the early years, and so hoped that she would have given a lot more to her early 20s and other experiences in the celebrity world.

On the whole though, this was an easy and enjoyable read, and I loved the facts that Scarlett provided at the beginning of each chapter.