A review by astoldbybex
The Girl Who Hid in the Trees by Steve Stred, Gavin Kendall


The trees are spying, beware!

Thank you, Steve Stred, for providing me with an advanced copy of The Girl Who Hid in the Trees in exchange for a honest review!

It’s not everyday you get read a novella that’s jam-packed with the horror & gore that you absolutely live for. The Girl Who Hid in the Trees centers around the urban legend of McConnell’s Forest. For the kids nearby, the forest evokes fear and they know to stay away. Okay, some kids know to stay away.. others, well, naturally they try to debunk the urban legend.

That’s exactly what Jason’s brother & his friends tried to do; only to never return again.

As this a very short read, it’s hard to give out too much without spoilers. Personally, I enjoy diving in blind to my horror, because it adds that extra cup of what the hell is happening? & a little extra dash of fun. I do want to say though, that The Girl Who Hid in the Trees is one Hell of a story.

The Girl Who Hid in the Trees wastes zero time getting to the punch; as soon as the story starts, you are in the meat of the urban legend. The story continues to throw horror at you throughout, but it’s the last quarter of the novella that truly shined for me. This part was absolutely relentless, in terms of the amount and level of gore & horror. Steve Stred grabs you by the throat & refuses to let go, even after the story ends. Let me tell ya, I’m a sucker for a horror story that keeps on goin’ even after the words THE END appear.

There’s one tiny issue that I have with The Girl Who Hid in the Trees (which I am not holding against Steve at all since this is a short read) & that’s character development. I constantly discuss my love for character development, and The Girl Who Hid in the Trees fell short in that department. But, for a story that took me less than hour to read, this did not end up being that big of a problem for me.

I definitely recommend The Girl Who Hid in the Trees to anyone searching for a quick spooky fun read!