A review by ac_church
Y: The Last Man, Vol. 10: Whys and Wherefores by Brian K. Vaughan

Most endings of epic, plot-heavy narratives usually collapse on their fat asses. Tying loose ends of plotlines that were developing throught the whole story and creating sensible relationships between characters must be really painful for a writer. The way out, I think, is to fall on your ass gracefully, make the collapse of the plot a beautiful thing. Not to try and provide an answer to every question, but just throw it all away, An ending to a big narrative must a be a carnival, a mad entwining of plot-lines, characters and images that were around for the whole thing.That's why I liked "Lost" ending. That's why I like Volume 10 more than any other in the series: because it's just a feast, it's insane, irrational, it has a heartbreaking emotional twist and a perfect final frame. It's so much better than a mere closure of a plot, it's an accumulation of all the inner tides of the narrative gone wrong - or very, very right.