A review by angie10110
A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers


This one was a really great read, As someone who loves food and thrillers/horror i could really appreciate this story, Dorothy kind of reminds me of Hannibal lector because of her canniblistic ways. I like how this book was written and it seemed to go by very quickly for me I don't have many complaints Sometimes Dorothy goes on very long tangents about certain things but its nothing too crazy I liked how realistic the portrayal of Dorothy's psychopathic tendencies were. Dorothy's kind of a mixture of Patrick Bateman and Hannibal lector but as a lady in my opinion. If you enjoy stories about murderous woman and the "crazy girl" genre than this is for you.
A quote from Dorthey i liked:
"Our friends see the frailties, the insecurities, the unattractive bits that we have to keep hidden from the rest of the world because----its hard work to be a woman----Our female friends, the close ones, are the mini breaks we take from the totalitarian work it requires to keep up the performance of being female"