A review by lilith_elinor
Charlie All Night by Jennifer Crusie


Jennifer Crusie is just so good at creating warm, engaging characters ! This was a fast, sweet story.

Allie is a radio producer at the top of her game. She's very competent and passionate about her career, and in fact, she's indispensable to her small town radio station and produces the top star, Mark's, show (he also happens to be her ex). Up until the day he fires her and she is forced to take on newcomer Charlie's show, at the lousy timeslot from 10 pm to 2 am. Not to worry, Allie can make him a star, whether he wants it or not! Charlie is an amiable, funny chap with the cliché fear of commitment and success. He'd rather drift from job to job every few months. But his father has asked him to investigate some shady goings on at a friend's radio station, using a job as a radio DJ as a cover. Charlie agrees to give it a try, but he is adamant that in 6 weeks when his time is up, he'll be gone.
Then Allie tries to pick Charlie up at a bar to cover her embarrassment from Mark after he fired her, and sparks fly with Charlie.

As I'm beginning to be accustomed to with Crusie, the characters are just great. I love how her female characters always have a calm, secure strength to them, they are not weak, neurotic wimps as can sometimes be the case in other books. Her male characters tend to be sturdy guys with the shaggy hair thing going on, and easy going, witty personalities. What's not to love :)
She also writes quirky, warm little communities of secondary characters with a lot of skill, I always have a few I get attached to. In this book the radio station atmosphere was particularly well rendered, I don't know whether it was lifelike but it definitely felt like its own little world and I loved getting a glimpse into it, it was one of the strengths of the book. I also like that there is often a dog around, definitely appeals to me as a dog person.

This book had its funny moments, but it wasn't as funny as some of her previous ones (I'd say the funniest so far were Getting Rid of Bradley, and Strange Bedpersons). The plot also wasn't as strong, it felt more like we were just following the lives of these characters, not following a definite, tightly paced storyline somehow. I don't know if that makes any sense, it was just a feeling I got. Still, in a way that was a good thing as it meant the book was really not stressful for me, it was relaxing, just following these great characters in a fun setting and seeing how things went. Not boring in the least, it's just a book I'd pick for a different mood than a tight, breathlessly paced mystery for example, which is funny because it's quite a contrast to What the Lady Wants which I read just before.

Not as memorable as some of her other books, but still a great, entertaining read. This is good quality romance :)