A review by svlaw97
That Night in Paris by Sandy Barker


3.46 out of 5 Stars
~ Thank you to One More Chapter and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. ~

No Spoilers :)

That Night in Paris was such a cute little break. It's essentially a road trip, but it's a road trip across Europe and there was an adorable romance that I had fun reading.

We follow Catherine on this last-minute trek on an organized bus tour to places including Paris (lol duh), Venice, Rome, Amstersdam, etc., etc. She and the small group of friends that she forms each have their own romance troubles but in a low-key adorable re-meet cute, Catherine runs into an old childhood friend who has had a serious glow-up since they've last talked. All of the characters are a little cliche, but Jean Luc was a literal dream and the romance between him and Catherine was very charming.

My favorite part of this was the romance element to it. If I were to break down the book into two plots, there would be the romantic plot, and the traveling plot. The romance part was the part of the book that I really enjoyed. It was sweet and relatively simple and made the book something that I could totally see me reading on vacation somewhere. There was just enough of a bump in the road to happiness to make me want to pick the book back up, but it wasn't so gripping that I was on the edge of my seat. It had a nice relaxed tone around it.

Maybe surprisingly, I didn't really love the traveling plot of the book. There is something that is almost compellingly interesting about a random group of strangers bonding and spending so much time together, but it wasn't carrying the day for me. Also, while the descriptions of the different locations were beautiful (I definitely added some to Pinterest), I just got to the point where I wanted less of that and more of the romance between Catherine and Jean Luc.

This would for real be a great vacation book for anyone. It's more than because the characters are all on vacation; there's a lightness to the atmosphere and sweetness to it that is refreshing. The series is perfectly titled as "Holiday Romance Books."

Thanks for reading!