A review by cdjdhj
Risen by Angela Hunt


Risen by Angela Hunt is a novelization of the recent movie by the same name. The story is of Clavius, a Roman Soldier and Tribune who is present at the crucifixion of Jesus and then is task with ensuring that the body is not stolen by Jesus' by his disciples so that they could say He was "risen" as he had foretold. When, despite surely sealing the tomb and posting guards, Jesus' body is gone from the tomb on the third day, Clavius undertakes an exhaustive investigation of what happens and vows to find the body of the crucified "Nazarene." As he searches for answers, Clavius interviews anyone who came into contact with Jesus or His followers and eventually he interviews Mary of Magdala who leads him to others of the early disciples. Faced with his own increasing doubts about his service to the Roman Empire, questions about his own life as well as the loss two people he holds close, Clavius' search for the truth about "Yeshua" (Jesus) eventually brings him face-to-face with the risen Lord.

In all honesty, I don't usually enjoy fiction based Biblical stories, because I don't like the insertion of fiction into what I consider truth, however, Risen caught my interest and I had heard good things about the movie of the same name. I was planning to read book around Easter, but life got in the way, and I just finished it. The story is still relevant, no matter what time of year and I am glad I read it. It was interesting and well-written. It kept me turning the pages and wanting to know what happened next. The author seemed to have researched biblical events thoroughly and authoritatively, yet she did not confuse actual biblical persons with fictional characters. For those who have already seen the movie, there is at least one major character in the book who does not appear in the movie. The book was definitely worth reading and thinking about. I am glad that I did. I hope to see the movie soon.

I give this book four stars **** out of five.