A review by lisa_butler79
Why Women Are Blamed For Everything: Exploring the Victim Blaming of Women Subjected to Violence and Trauma by Jessica Taylor

informative slow-paced


I finished this book because I felt I needed too, however what I didn't realise was this was a very academic book based on her research. At times it felt like a good narrative but then it seemed to switch to a lot of research which made it confusing to follow at times. Also I found that a lot of the research  she used was old for such new research.. For example when talking about how the police handle rape cases it was research from early 2000 and was quite negative. I would hope things have changed since then but perhaps I'm wrong as women still get blamed for male violence.

I brought this book based on the title and what I knew the subject matter was and I thought it would be more of an exploration of why victim blaming exists. We all know it exists but it was more of a exploration of what we already know with no real insite. It was an interesting read but it didn't teach me anything I didn't  already know.

My favourite line from the book that resonates with me is .... 
"The responsibility and blame sits squarely with the oppressor and the oppressive structures that allow the oppression to continue. It is not on the shoulders of the victim of abuse and oppression to protect themselves from the oppressor"

It's so awful that we live in a world where only "classic" rape or violence will ever get a conviction and that means that the woman is described as not too pretty to excite the man intentionally, wearing the right clothes not too provocative, has a good job, no mental health issues, no criminal convictions, didn't drink or take drugs, took place in daylight, she protected herself and screamed and attacked back and it was by a stranger and also witnessed. God help the women that don't fall into this category because you will never be believed.

I could of just turned to the back page to get the answer I wanted that women are not too blame at all for any male violence.