A review by magencorrie
Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen


*I received this book from NetGalley*

My Thoughts

This book wowed me. It was intense, emotional, and brought out all my feels. Right from the start, I became addicted to Breaking Nova and its characters. Jessica told a heartbreaking, yet inspiring story, one I just eat up.

Breaking Nova deals with some heavy issues, and honestly, I didn't know that when I started reading. But despite the heaviness of some of the situations that are in the book, Jessica wrote it all beautifully. She told an amazing story of heartache, grief, overcoming the odds, and hope.

The characters really made this book. Each one took me by surprise. Nova is a strong character (though at first, it may not seem like it), and that is what drew me in. Now, not to spoil anything, but Nova definitely deals with some heavy issues. Things happened to her that would drastically affect anyone. She is trying to overcome and move on with what happened to her, but she kind of goes down the wrong path. What I loved so much about her is she realizes she’s on a downward spiral and she turns her life around. That is when her strength really shows through.

While Nova is in her downward spiral, she meets a kindred spirit of sorts. Quinton. Like Nova, Quinton has a few demons of his own. He's dealing with a few of his own heavy issues. I really felt for Quinton. His pain is deep, and he’s story broke my heart. But unlike Nova, Quinton’s path is very different, and he thinks he deserves the pain he feels. That made me love his character. And I can't wait for the next book to see just where he is.

Both Nova and Quinton have this instant attraction to each other. And I could feel it coming right off the pages. I enjoyed them together and in a way they helped one another. Also being able to read from both of their POVs was amazing!! I really got an in-depth aspect as to what happened to them, why they felt the way they did, and why they are on the path they are on.

The pacing of the book was just right. And I was really able to connect with the characters on an emotional level. I wanted both Quinton and Nova to overcome the trails they were facing. Jessica’s writing was also very beautiful, and she really captured her story well. This book really focuses on the saying, that every decision we make has a consequence. Jessica really points that out in her book, and takes that saying to a whole new level. How your decision or someone else’s decision can change your life forever.

I also have to mention the ending. Let’s just say that it ripped my heart out! I know that I will have to continue this series. I am fully invested in the story and its characters.

Breaking Nova is a gritty, cutting-edge dark world, filled with heartbreak, intense emotions, but also filled with hope and love. I definitely recommend this book to those who love an emotional read, one that you can get completely invested in.