A review by booksatdawn
Blacklist by Alyson Noël


reviewsBlacklist by Alyson Noel (Beautiful Idols #2)
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on April 4th 2017
Genres: Young Adult, Mystery, Contemporary
Pages: 448
Format: ARC

LINKS: Good Reads | Amazon | Indigo | Book Depository

Blacklist by Alyson Noel is the sequel to last year's YA Hollywood mystery, Unrivaled. Taking place not long after the first one, we find Aster in jail for the murder of Madison, Layla trying her best to clear Aster's name, and Tommy trying to steer clear of all the drama as his music career is finally starting to take off.

My Likes

And the Plot Thickens

As readers we all know that Madison is not really dead as we get her POV from the story. But things are starting to come together about who has taken her and why they are trying so hard to frame Aster for her murder. As the Scooby Gang continue to dive into this mystery of who, what, when, where and why, Madison is dire trouble. She is fighting to get out and find help. But how far is she going to have to push?

Noel does a good job adding little tidbits here and there that add thickness to the plot without fully giving away too many answers. If it was any other regular mystery, I think it would fall pretty flat though. But with the added backdrop of Hollywood, the rumors, and the paparazzi, Blacklist is one exciting read!

Tons of Drama

Where there is Hollywood, actors, and models, you better believe there is drama right around the corner. Not only are the reporters and paparazzi hounding Aster, but the cops are right on their trail. With rumors flying around it's hard to not getting a little stir crazy.

Innocence only lasts until you're caught.

Character Developments

Aster is in a pretty shitty situation at the moment, but we can see her growing up in a way that was different from Unrivaled. Not only is she not acting like a spoiled daddy's girl anymore, but she is also starting to think of more than just herself. Meanwhile, things are starting to heat up between Layla and Tommy, and I am there for that. YES!

Noel is going a great job making theses characters feel real in some way. It's a hard thing to do when the backdrop is a murder mystery! So kudos to her.

My Dislikes

Not Very Mysterious?

I'm a little underwhelmed with the "mystery" surrounding Madison's disappearance and possible murder, because as a reader we know she's not dead. I'm kind of anticipating a rather dull reveal when it comes down to it to be honest. I feel like it's not going to live up to the hype that it hopes it's building toward.

I'm more into the character's lives and the TV show feels that I get from Blacklist. I'm crossing my finger for some good stuff to come in the finale!

I recommend this one if you like the mysterious lives of Hollywood stars, drama piled on to more drama, and a highly addictive cast of characters. Let me know what you guys thought of Blacklist by Alyson Noel! I would love to hear your opinions as well!

Until next time,
