A review by akingston5
How Beautiful the Beloved by Gregory Orr

"Grief will come to you. Grip and cling all you want, It makes no difference. Catastrophe? It’s just waiting to happen. Loss? You can be certain of it. Flow and swirl of the world. Carried along as if by a dark current. All you can do is keep swimming; All you can do is keep singing."
"To learn by heart is to learn By hurt—grief inscribing Its wisdom in the soft tissue. Song you sing, poem you are— Finger moving, precise As a phonograph needle, Along the groove of scar."
I listened to Gregory Orr's episode at @onbeing a few weeks ago and snagged this collection of poetry from the library. This collection is part of Orr's work on the beloved, and in it he works through engaging life fully be it mystically, romantically, mentally, physically, or what have you. There's an eternalness to his work that I really love a lot as he acknowledges both joy and hurt. Really recommend if you get the chance to read this!