A review by frombethanysbookshelf
Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights by Helen Lewis


Genre: Non-Fiction

Release Date: 27th February 2020

When you hear the word 'fight' what do you see? Men, probably. Well this book is here to change your outlook. The fight for feminism was paved with women who weren't afraid to be everything they've been told not to be - vulgar, loud, outspoken, difficult and completely inspiring.

But what does difficult mean? The dictionary would say "A person not easy to please or satisfy; awkward." But here, difficult means proud, it means independent, it means a woman who is willing to fight for her rights and won't be defined by the roles given to her by men.

In this book you'll meet eleven such women, from lesbian politicians, riot starters, the women who finally started to demand good sex, and one who was obviously not sleeping with the prime minister... depending on who you ask.

Helen Lewis gives a fresh and unconventional history of feminism in it's raw, uncensored and unequivocally unfinished glory. Drawing back to the sparks that started the fire in all of us right up to the battles we are still fighting in today - this book gives an amazing and in depth overview of the untold history of women that won't fail to inspire and empower.

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thank you to Helen Lewis and NetGalley for an ARC in return for an honest review.